Land searches

Archives Départementales du Haut-Rhin, Cadastre napoléonien, Ensisheim, Matrices cadastrales 1825-1903, 3 P 1050/2
There’s nothing more exhilarating than reconstructing the history of a house or plot of land, or pinpointing the exact location of the building that once housed our ancestors.
Here again, however, improvisation is a tricky business: navigating through land archives (cadastral matrices, section statements, land register, registration, mortgages) is often a gymkhana.
It’s perfect timing: studying property change is one of KLR’s many hobbies…
Based on our knowledge of the methodology specific to this type of research, we produce a file presenting the history of the property from the most recent deed to the French Revolution – sometimes even to the Ancien Régime, depending on existing sources.The research report presents a written chronology of the mutations, copies and analyses of the deeds consulted, biographical notes on the successive owners, and photographs of the property taken on site.